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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

what to wear!?

The leaders on the CN are worrying about what to wear to the conference. I was a bit worried about the heat, but other than that I was just going to wear what I always wear. (Read: VERY casual clothing.) Now I'm feeling like I should be dressing up! Oh NO! Just what I need!

Panic time?


At 4:45 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Don't worry about dressing up, but do remember that the hotel is usually way over-air-conditioned, so you'll be too cold when you're in the building and too hot when you're out! :P

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Abigail said...

Luckily California weather has prepared me by training me to dress in layers! :)

I wasn't thinking at all about the style of my clothes. I think I'm going to have to ignore the posts of those that are. I just can't deal. ;)

At 7:54 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I normally dress for comfort at conferences, so style is not high on my priority list. I'm freaking out about it a little this time, though, since I am working in the Tech Room and I'm not sure if that means I have to look non-grubby. ;)

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Suna Kendall said...

Jennifer does think she might bring more than one pair of pants, so you might want to emulate that. :-)

We (conf people) hope attendees will dress at least slightly better than they would to go to a park play day--just to give the public a good impression of LLL. But you don't have to get a new wardrobe or go all out.

I tend to dress sort of business like, but I already have the stuff from other conferences and working at the LLLI office every few weeks. And I am supposed to be "representing LLL." But, hey, if you are not an employee and not running some room, do make yourself comfortable.

And in that vein: bring comfy shoes. You end up walking a LOT.

Sue Ann

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

The conference is only a couple days away! We are very excited to read all about your conference experience! Remember, as a conference blogger, you will have priority access to use the computers in the Tech Room any time you want to post. I've sent you an email with details -- if you haven't received it, please contact me. See you in DC!


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