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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

things to do and pack

I have lots to do and, of course, pack before our trip. I need to do mundane things like stop the mail and papers and reserve a rental car for driving from DC to visit my brother once the conference is over. I also need to make a packing list, or at least start piling stuff up. I don't feel like I can pack our clothes until it's much closer, since we can't exactly stop wearing everything. I have this horrible tendency to overpack. Hopefully I will find a way around it this time.

There are a few things I absolutely can not forget though:
  • Niels' quilt - he doesn't appear that attached to it, until we go somewhere without it.
  • Digital camera - what good is a vacation if not properly documented.
  • Camera charger - see above.
  • iPod and charger - entertainment for Niels and me too!
  • Notebook and pens for taking notes during sessions.
  • Non-dairy snacks for Niels for the airplane - in case the "vegan" airplane meal is inedible.
  • Knitting - little danger of me forgetting this, though.

    I'm sure there is something I should be adding to that list. I will perhaps add to this post later.

    The thing I can't figure out is if I have to find the paperwork I received when I registered for the conference. I am hoping they'll give me a list of my sessions and all that. I am assuming they will!

    For some reason I am getting very nervous about this trip. I used to be a good traveller, but I haven't been doing enough of it recently, I suppose.


    At 5:05 PM, Blogger Anabel said...

    Hey, Sheila (our experienced ex-flight attendant) recommends the "Asian Vegetarian" option as one of the best available... I don't imagine there's dairy in that, and it might be better than the vegan. Just a thought. Maybe if the vegan is miserable going out there you can switch it coming back.

    At 4:58 PM, Blogger Abigail said...

    It turned out to be a moot point, since they don't have free food, just food for sale. It was a turkey wrap with cheese in it, so I think on the way back I will pick something up in the food court first.


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